
Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012


Mungkin dari kalian udah penah menggunakan bahkan punya gadged yg ada accelerometer & gyroscope, tp blm tau kalau itu adalah accelorometer & gyroscope...
Ini dia pejelasannya....

Pengertian accelerometer

Accelerometer adalah sensor yang digunakan untuk mengukur percepatan suatu objek. Accelometer mengukur percepatan dynamic dan static. Pengukuran dynamic adalah pengukuran percepatan pada objek bergerak, sedangkan pengukuran static adalah pengukuran terhadap gravitasi bumi. Untuk mengukur sudut kemiringan (tilt).

Sedangkan Prinsip kerja dari Accelerometer yaitu....

Prinsip kerja yang digunakan adalah prinsip percepatan (acceleration). Sebuah per dengan beban dan dilepaskan , beban bergerak dengan suatu percepatan sampai kondisi tertentu akan berhenti. Bila ada sesuatu yang menggoncangkannya maka beban akan berayun kembali.

Pengukuran  kapasitansi inilah yang umumnya menjadi hasil pengukuran chip. Agar sensor bisa mendeteksi 3 dimensi, maka dibutuhkan 3 pasang plat yang dipasang tegak lurus antar masing- masing. Maka sensor ini bisa mendeteksi gerak alunan lagu anak “geser kiri, geser kanan, putar ke kiri putar ke kanan , lompat ke depan”.

 Apa sihh fungsi dari accelerometer....?????

1.     Accelerometer ponsel ada yang namanya fungsi shake control,dengan fungsi ini maka dengan hanya menggoyangkan ponsel kita bisa mengubah fitur, misalnya mengubah lagu yang sedang di putar ke lagu selanjutnya atau lagu sebelumnya.

2.    permainan video menggunakan kontroler Wii Remote disebut yang berisi accelerometer dan dirancang terutama untuk input gerak. Pengguna juga memiliki pilihan untuk membeli sebuah gerak-sensitif tambahan lampiran, sehingga masukan gerak bisa dicatat dari kedua tangan pengguna.

3.    Untuk  kontrol antarmuka pengguna, sering accelerometer digunakan untuk menyajikan pandangan landscape atau potret layar perangkat, berdasarkan cara perangkat sedang diadakan. Misalnya mengganti tampilan layar dari vertical (portrait) menjadi horizontal (landscape).

4.    Kamera video juga memanfaatkan accelerometer untuk menstabilkan tangkapan gambar (image stabilization), untuk anti-blur saat menangkap gambar.

5.    Pada  kamera foto memanfaatkannya untuk mencegah hasil pemotretan buram. Contoh penggunaan aplikasi ini adalah seperti yang terdapat pada Nokia N95. Beberapa kamera digital seperti Canon PowerShot dan Ixus dilengkapi dengan accelerometer untuk mengatur format foto dan merotasi hasil pemotretan saat preview.

6.    Penggunaan lain accelerometer adalah sebagai pedometer , atau penghitung langkah. Dipakai di banyak gadget sebagai monitor banyaknya langkah saat berolah raga. Apple dan Nike bekerjasama mengeluarkan produk sepatu yang bisa berkomunikasi dengan pemutar lagu Ipod, mengirimkan banyak langkah, jumlah kalori terbakar, waktu bergerak.

Accelerometer sendiri mempunyai kekurangan dan kelebihan yaitu:

1.     Hanya dapat membacaca dalam 2 sumbu, yaitu atas dan bawah karena d pengaruhi oleh gravitasi.
2.    Membutuhkan penggunaan listrik yang tinggi(boros baterai).
3.    Gerakan lebih patah-patah/ tidak halus seperti pada gyroscope.
4.    accelerometer tidak bisa mengikuti pergerakan yang cepat dikarenakan responnya yang lamban.
5.    Accelerometer dapat memberikan pengukuran sudut tegak lurus yang akurat ketika  sistem sedang diam (statis)

Udah tau tentang accelerometer... nah,,, sekarang penjelasan tentang Gyroscope....

Pengertian dari gyroscope,,

Sebagai pengenalan, giroskop adalah perangkat untuk mengukur atau mempertahankan orientasi, dengan prinsip ketetapan momentum sudut. Mekanismenya adalah sebuah roda berputar dengan piringan didalamya yang tetap stabil. Giroskop sering digunakan pada robot atau heli dan alat-alat cangggih lainnya.
Gyroscope adalah berupa sensor gyro untuk menentukan orientasi gerak dengan bertumpu pada roda atau cakram yang berotasi dengan cepat pada sumbu.Jadi bagaimana dengan Giro sensor? Gyro sensor bisa mendeteksi gerakan sesuai gravitasi, atau dengan kata lain mendeteksi gerakan pennguna. Kita bisa membayangkan sebuah game pertempuran, sebelum ini bila kita ingin melihat situasi sekeliling, kita akan menyapu layar searah terus menerus untuk berputar, dengan gyro sensor ini kita cukup berputar sesuai gravitasi seperti benar-benar melihat sekeliling. Atau bila melihat sebuah obyek 3D kita cukup berputar untuk melihat setiap sudut obyek tersebut. Tentu ini adalah sebuah metode yang menghasilkan pengalaman seolah nyata.

Seadangkan Prinsip kerja Gyroscope yaituu....

Gyro sensor bisa mendeteksi gerakan sesuai gravitasi, atau dengan kata lain mendeteksi gerakan pennguna.

Gyroscope pada penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengukur sumbu rotasi roket. Sebelum digunakan, sensor gyroscope terlebih dahulu dilakukan proses kalibrasi dengan menggunakan bandul. Proses kalibrasi tersebut berfungsi untuk memperoleh nilai faktor kalibrasi. Gyroscope memiliki keluaran berupa kecepatan sudut dari arah 3 sumbu yaitu: sumbu x yang nantinya akan menjadi sudut phi (kana dan kiri) dari sumbu y nantinya menjadi sudut theta (atas dan bawah), dan sumbu z nantinya menjadi sudut psi (depan dan belakang).

Ternyata gyroscope udah digunakan dari dulu lohh..
Kegunaan dari gyroscope pada pengembangan teknologi & gadjed yaitu:

1.     Di masa lalu, gyros telah digunakan untuk ruang navigasi, kontrol rudal, di bawah bimbingan-air, dan bimbingan penerbangan..
2.    Sebuah giroskop di sisi lain memiliki kemampuan mengukur tingkat rotasi di sekitar sumbu tertentu. Sebagai contoh jika giroskop yang digunakan untuk mengukur laju rotasi di sekitar sumbu gulungan pesawat terbang.
3.    Penggunaan pada game contohnya adalah sebuah game pertempuran, sebelum ini bila kita ingin melihat situasi sekeliling, kita akan menyapu layar searah terus menerus untuk berputar, dengan gyro sensor ini kita cukup berputar sesuai gravitasi seperti benar-benar melihat sekeliling. Atau bila melihat sebuah obyek 3D kita cukup berputar untuk melihat setiap sudut obyek tersebut. Tentu ini adalah sebuah metode yang menghasilkan pengalaman seolah nyata.
4.    Biasanya giroskop yang digunakan untuk mengukur posisi sudut didasarkan pada prinsip kekakuan ruang giroskop. Sebuah giroskop telah banyak aplikasi praktis. Sekarang mereka mulai digunakan bersama akselerometer untuk aplikasi seperti gerak-capture dan navigasi kendaraan

dibandingkan dengan accelerometer gyroscope punya Kelebihan dan kekurangan yaitu.....^^

1.     Harganya yang mahal.
2.    Hanya dapat digunakan jika ada accelerator.
3.    Dapat mendeteksi gerakan dari segala arah.
4.     Hasil gambar yg di hasilkan dari gerakan lebih halus/ tidak patah-patah seperti pada accelerometer.
5.    Tidak di pengaruhi oleh gravitasi.

Sekian dulu penjelasannya.... semoga artikel ini bermanfaat buat kalian yang baca,,

Poster kesehatan (DBD)

Poster kesehatan tentang Demam Berdarah (DBD)

File aslinya klik Disini ... ^-^

Changmin photoshop

Photoshop editing background...

File aslinya klik Disini ... :)

Photohop dua gambar jadi satu


File aslinya klik Disini ... ^^

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012




          Mengikuti jejak setelah City Hunter, drama terbaru SBS Protect The Boss yang diputar perdana pada 3 Agustus memeperoleh rating positif. Drama komedi romantic 16 episode ini dibintangi Ji Sung, Choi Kanghee, Wang Jihye dan Kim Jaejoong terbukti menjadi big hit seperti pendahulunya, membawa rating penonton yang menakjubkan sebesar 12,6% secara nasional.

          Sementara penonton menikmati chemistry di layar kaca antara pemeran utama Cho Kanghee dan karakter Ji sung, yang lainnya memuji acting Jaejoong meskipun ini menjadi pertama kalinya ia menjadi peran utama di drama korea, dengan penonton berkomentar “akti jaejoong lebih naturaldari pada yang ku duga “

        v Title: 보스를 지켜라Boseureul Jikyeora
  v  Judul lain: 보스가 달라졌어요 The Boss Has Changed / 마지막 여비서 The Last Secretary
  v  Genre: Romance, comedy
  v  Episodes: 18
  v  Broadcast network: SBS
  v  Mulai Tayang: 2011-Aug-03 to 2011-Sep-29
  v  Jam tayang: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55 

Flim ini berjenre komedi yang lucu banget tapi ada bagian mellow & romantisnya. berkisah tentang seorang gadis muda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan non-eu-sul yang sangat jago bela diri. dia seorang yang sangat pemberanidan suka berterus terang. untungnya seorang direktur perusahaan direktur DN-grup cha-mu-won( kim-jae-jong) tertarik pada sifat wanita itu dan merekrutnya untuk sekertaris sepupunya.
sepupunya Ji hun sangat sensitif dengan kebersihan dan ternyata dia mempunyai sindrom gampang panik jika berbicara di depan orang banyak. sedangkan cha-mu-won adalah orang yang perfectsionis, pekerja keras, tenang dan pitar. ternyata dia memperkerjakan Eun-sul untuk memata matai Ji hun, karena dia sangat berambisi merebut DN-grup.. kalau nonton pasti ngakak ngeliat ulah Eun sul di flim ini yang akhirnya membuat  Cha mu won dan Ji hun jatuh cinta. dan  juga membuat saudara sepupu skaligus patner kerja ini yang dari dulu tida akur tambah tidak akur.
mau tau kisah selanjutnya????
jangan lupa nonton ya....^^



  Ji sung


  • Name: 지성 / Ji Sung (Ji Seong)
  • Real name: 곽태근 / Kwak Tae Gun (Gwak Tae Geun)
  • Profession: Actor
  • Birthdate: 1977-Feb-27
  • Height: 178cm
  • Weight: 70kg
  • Star sign: Pisces
  • Blood type: A
  • Talent agency: Namoo Actors 

 Choi Kang Hee

  Choi Kang Hee

  • ·         Name: Choi Kang Hee
  • ·         Birthdate: 1977-05-05
  • ·         Height: 166cm
  • ·         Weight: 48kg
  • ·         Blood type: B
 Choi Kang Hee drama's and movie:
Protect the Boss: August, 2011
My Sweet Seoul: June, 2008
Thank you: March, 2007
Sweet Buns: July, 2004 
My Love: December, 2007

Kim Jaejong

ProtecttheBossJaejoong [NEWS] Kim Jaejoong Confirmed His Korean Drama Protect the Boss

kim jaejong= Hero jaejoong adalah salah satu member dari JYJ..
* Name: Young Woong Jae Joong
* Also known as: Hero Jaejoong
* Japanese name: Jejung
* Chinese name: Ying Xiong Zai Zhong
* Real name: Kim Jae Joong
* Profession: Singer and actor
* Birthdate: 1986-Jan-26
* Birthplace: Gongju, Chungnam, South Korea
* Height: 180cm
* Weight: 63kg
* Star sign: Aquarius
* Blood type: O
* Talent agency: C-JeS Entertainment

TV Shows
* Tengoku e no Yuubin Haitatsunin (TV Asahi, 2011)
* Protect the Boss (SBS, 2011)
* Telecinema: Heaven’s Postman (SBS, 2010)
* Sunao ni Narenakute (Fuji TV, 2010)
* Vacation (2006)
* Banjun Drama (SBS, 2005)

* Taegukgi (2004)

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012



 Satu lagi Drama Korea yang Tayang di Indosiar yaitu Cool Guy Hot Ramen , Atau Nama Lain Dari Flower Boy Ramyun Shop Drama korea ini Di Perankan Oleh Jung Il Woo sbg Cha Chi Soo ,Lee Chung Ah sbg Yang Eun Bi ,Lee Ki Woo sbg Choi Kang Hyuk ,Park Min Woo sbg Kim Ba Wool  Dan Jo YoonWoo (조윤우) sbg Woo Hyun Wo., Drama Korea  Cool Guy Hot Ramen  Ini berjumlah 16 Episode.

Sinopsis Cool Guy Hot Ramen Episode 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,3,14,15,16 Episode terakhir

“Cool Guys, Hot Ramen”
         KETIKA serial ini tayang di Korea Selatan, tak sedikit yang menganggap Cool Guys, Hot Ramen mengulang rumus sukses Boys Before Flowers.
Ada 1 karakter utama perempuan (Yang Eun Bi), yang dikelilingi 4 cowok manis; Cha Chi Soo, Choi Kang Hyuk, Kim Ba Wool, dan Woo Hyun Woo. Resep BBF ternyata berhasil mencuri perhatian. Serial yang juga dikenal dengan judul Flower Boy Ramyun Shop ini disebut-sebut meraih rating tertinggi di ranah TV kabel.
            Tidak heran jika lantas Indosiar yang gemar memutar serial yang tayang di TV umum Korea seperti KBS, SBS, dan MBC, akhirnya menayangkan serial milik tvN ini. Selain Jung Il Woo, mungkin pemirsa sini masih asing dengan wajah-wajah pemainnya. Kecuali Lee Ki Woo yang dulu mendukung A Love To Kill.
Berikut foto-foto serial Cool Guys, Hot Ramen:




Profil Jung Il Woo pemain Cha Chi Soo

Jung il Woo, Cool Guys Hot Ramen

Nama: Jung Il Woo
Tanggal lahir : 09 September 1987
Berat badan : 63 kg
Tinggi badan : 183 cm
zodiac : Virgo
Pendidikan : Han Yang University jurusan Arts
Education: Han Yang University majoring in Arts
Hobbies: Movie critiquing and online shopping

TV Series:
  • The Moon That Embraces the Sun (MBC, 2012)
  • Flower Boy Ramyun Shop (tvN, 2011)
  • 49 Days (SBS, 2011)
  • High Kick Through The Roof (MBC, 2009, cameo)
  • Take Care of the Young Lady (KBS2, 2009)
  • The Return of Iljimae (MBC, 2008)
  • The Secret of Keu Keu Island (MBC, 2008, cameo)
  • Unstoppable High Kick (MBC, 2006)
  • My Love (2007)
  • Silent World (2006)

Profil Lee Ki Woo pemain Choi Kang Hyuk

 Name: 이기우 / Lee Ki-woo (Lee Gi-wu)
Profession: Actor
Date of birth: October 23, 1981
Height: 189cm
Weight: 78kg
Blood type: AB
Education: Dankook University (Management major)
Talent agency: SidusHQ

TV Series
  • Standby (MBC, 2012)
  • Glowing She (KBS Drama, 2012)
  • Flower Boy Ramyun Shop (tvN, 2011)
  • Star’s Lover (SBS, 2008)
  • Kid Gang (OCN, 2007)
  • Outrageous Women (MBC, 2006)
  • A Love To Kill (KBS2, 2005)
  • Not Alone (SBS, 2004)
  • Sin of a Family (2011)
  • Wedding Dress (2010)
  • Lost and Found / 달콤한 거짓말 (2008)
  • Going Crazy Waiting / The Longest 24 Months (2007)
  • Somebody Behind You/There Are Two People (2007)
  • Shim’s Family (2007)
  • Lost in Love (2006)
  • Sad Movie (2005)
  • A Tale of the Cinema (2005)
  • He Was Cool (2004)
  • Spin Kick (2004)
  • Windstruck (2004)
  • The Classic (2003)

Profil Lee Chung Ah pemain Yang Eun Bi
Foto Lee Chung Ah pemain Yang Eun Bi
Name: 이청아 / Lee Chung Ah (Lee Cheong Ah)
Tanggal lahir : 25 Oktober 1984
Tempat lahir : Korea Selatan
Tinggi badan : 165 cm
Berat badan : 46 kg
Zodiac : Scorpio
Golongan darah : A
Profesi: Aktris
Talent agency: Kingkong

TV Series:
  • Flower Boy Ramyun Shop (tvN, 2011)
  • Pure Pumpkin Flower (SBS, 2010)
  • Everybody Cha Cha Cha (KBS1, 2009)
  • That Fool (KBS2, 2009)
  • Chosun Police 2 (MBC, 2008)
  • I Am Going Too (SBS, 2006)
  • Let’s Go To The Beach (SBS, 2005)
  • The First Love Series (2010)
  • The Good, the Bad, the Weird (2008)
  • My Tutor Friend 2 (2007)
  • Ssunday Seoul (2005)
  • Temptation of Wolves / Romance of Their Own (2004)
  • Happy Ero Christmas (2003)
  • Resurrection of the Little Match Girl (2002)

Minggu, 10 Juni 2012



Translation is the process of translating the genetic code of the tRNA into a sequence of amino acids that make up a polypeptide or protein.

RNA processing

When compared with the transcription, translation is a process that is more complicated because it involves the function of various macromolecules. Because most of these macromolecules present in large amounts in the cell, then the system of machine translation into the main part of each cell metabolism. Macromolecules which have a role in the translation process include:
A. More than 50 polypeptides as well as 3 to 5 molecules of ribosomal RNA in each
2. At least 20 different aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzymes that will activate the amino acid
3. Forty to 60 different tRNA molecules
4. At least nine soluble proteins involved in the initiation, elongation, and termination

Translational, or substantially the synthesis of protein, takes place in the ribosome, a structure that is widely available organelles in the cytoplasm. The ribosome consists of two subunits, large and small, that will converge during translation initiation and separately the translation has been completed. Translation into three stages (the same as in transcription), namely initiation, elongation, and termination. All these stages require protein factors that help mRNA, tRNA, and ribosomes during the translation process. Polypeptide chain initiation and elongation also requires a certain amount of energy. This energy is provided by GTP (guanosine triphosphat), a molecule similar to ATP.

A. Initiation

Initiation phase is due to the three components of the mRNA, a tRNA containing the first amino acids of the polypeptide, and the two ribosomal subunits.

An mRNA molecule would be bound to the surface of the ribosome that both subunitnya have joined. This occurs because the binding of prokaryotic mRNA are specific base sequences are known as the ribosome binding site (ribosome binding site) or a Shine-Dalgarno sequence. Meanwhile, on the eukaryotic ribosome binding by the 5 'end of mRNA. Furthermore, a variety of aminoacyl-tRNA will arrive one by one to the ribosome-mRNA complex in the order in accordance with the anticodon and amino acid it carries. This sequence is determined by the sequence of triplet codons in the mRNA. Peptide bond is formed between the amino acids that are strung into a polypeptide chain on the ribosome P site.

The incorporation of amino acids because the amino group in amino acids that are new to the carboxyl group bonded to the amino acids contained in the polypeptide chain is extended. mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm out accosted by ribosomes, and mRNA into the "gap" in the ribosome. When the mRNA into the ribosome, the ribosome "reads" the codons that enter. Readings made for each of three bases to complete the whole sequence. For the record came to mebaca ribosome codon is usually not just one but several ribosomes are known as puncture polisom form a series of similar one, in which the plug is the "mRNA" and the meat is "ribosomnya".

Padaumumnya an mRNA will be translated simultaneously by multiple ribosomes to each other within about 90 bases along the mRNA molecule. Translation complex consisting of an mRNA and a ribosome is called poliribosom or polisom. Polisom magnitude is highly variable and correlated with the size of the polypeptide to be synthesized. For example, hemoglobin chains composed of about 150 amino acids were synthesized by polisom consisting of five pieces of the ribosome (pentaribosom).

Thus, codon reading process can take place in sequence. When I read the ribosome codon (ie AUG kodonnya), tRNA anticodon UAC and carrying the amino acid methionine to come. tRNA into the ribosome gap. Here ribosomes serve to facilitate the attachment of a specific tRNA anticodon with the mRNA codons during protein synthesis. Ribosomal subunits constructed by protein-protein and ribosomal RNA molecules.

2. Elongation

In the elongation phase of translation, amino acids, amino acids are added one by one in the first amino acid (methionine). MRNA to the ribosome continues to shift more sense, in order to read the codon II. For example, codons UCA II, which immediately means that codons translated by tRNA AGU carrying the amino acid serine. In the ribosome, the first methionine into serine coupled to form a dipeptide.

The ribosome continues to shift, reading codons III. Suppose III GAG codon, immediately translated by the CUC anticodon carrying the amino acid glycine. tRNA into the ribosome. Amino acid glycine dipeptide coupled with an already formed so as to form tripeptida. So forth the process of reading the genetic code took place in the ribobom, which translated into amino acids to be assembled into a polypeptide.

MRNA codon on the ribosome to form hydrogen bonds with the anticodon of tRNA molecules that carry incoming amino acid is right. MRNA molecules of amino acids that have been released to return to the cytoplasm for transport of the amino acid repeat. RRNA molecule of the large ribosomal subunit function as enzymes, which catalyze the formation of peptide bonds that incorporate polypeptide that extends to the newly arrived amino acids. Polypeptide chain elongation or elongation will continue until a tripet termination codons that encode into site A.

Before a completed polypeptide chain is synthesized in the first place deformilisasi f-methionine into methionine. Termination is marked by the release of mRNA, tRNA in the P site, and the polypeptide chain from the ribosome. In addition, both subunits of ribosomes were split. At the termination of the activity of two proteins required that acts as a releasing factor or releasing factors, namely RF-1 and RF-2.

3. Termination

The final stage is the translational termination. Elongation continues until the ribosome reaches the stop codon. Base triplet stop codon is UAA, UAG, and UGA. No stop codon encodes an amino acid but act in a signal to stop translation. Polypeptide formed then "processed" into protein.

Differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation.

In the prokaryotic translation often begins before transcription ends. This is possible due to the absence of a wall that separates the nucleus of transcription and translation. Proceeds both processes simultaneously, the expression of genes to be very fast and the mechanism of flame-off (turn off onturn) gene expression, as will be explained later, also became very efficient. However, it is not the case in eukaryotes. Transcription occurs in the nucleus, whereas translation occurs in the cytoplasm (ribosomes).

Definition and Causes of breast cancer

Breast Cancer

Whether it's Breast Cancer?Breast cancer is a disease in which cells (cancer) is detected in malignant breast tissue. These cancer cells then spread within the tissue or organ and to other parts of the body.Breast cancer is the second largest cause of death in women today. In Singapore, nearly every one of 20 women diagnosed with breast cancer in her life. Chinese women have a higher risk when compared to the ethnic Malay or Indian women, by 10-20%. The highest incidence in the age group 55-59 years. The risk of breast cancer increases with age. The good news is that more women are surviving the disease, earlier detection and better treatment.Factors triggering this type of cancer is still unknown. The cause could come from a family history of breast cancer, early menarche or other possible risk factors. Because certainly difficult, then everyone at risk, especially when they were aged 40 years and over. Although the factors are still unknown, complete healing is possible with early detection through regular breast examinations.
causes of Breast CancerFactors triggering this type of cancer is still unknown. This cancer can be associated with a family history of breast cancer, early menarche or other possible risk factors. Because certainly difficult, then everyone at risk, especially when aged 40 years and over. Although the factors are still unknown, complete healing is possible with early detection through regular breast examinations.
Risk FactorsSome factors influencing risk are:A. Of age.Approximately 60% of breast cancers occur in over 60 years. The greatest risk found in women aged over 75 years.2. Had suffered from breast cancer.After the affected breast removed, then the risk of breast cancer in a healthy increase of 0.5-1% / year.3. Family history of breast cancer.Women are mothers, sisters or children suffering from cancer, had three times greater risk for breast cancer.4. Genetic and hormonal factors.5. Had suffered from non-cancerous breast disease.6. Menarche (first menstruation) before age 12, menopause after age 55 years, first pregnancy after age 30 years or had never been pregnant.7. Use of birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy.8. Obesity after menopause.9. The use of alcohol.10 The use of alcohol more than 1-2 cups / day can increase the risk of breast cancer.11. Chemicals.Several studies have cited the exposure of chemicals that mimic estrogen (which is contained in pesticides and other industrial products) may increase the risk of breast cancer.12. DES (diethylstilbestrol).Women who took DES to prevent miscarriages have a high risk of breast cancer.13 Irradiation.
How often Breast CancerBreast cancer is the second largest cause of death in women today. In Singapore, nearly every one of 20 women diagnosed with breast cancer in her life. Chinese women have a higher risk than women of ethnic Malay or Indian, by 10-20%. The highest incidence is in the age group 55-59 years. The risk of breast cancer increases with age.The good news is that more women are surviving the disease, earlier detection and better treatment.
Any Warning Signs of Breast Cancer?

* A painless lump in the breast
* Itching and red rash on the nipple does not go away
* Bleeding or abnormal mucus from the nipple
* Breast skin to swell and thicken
* Depressions or wrinkling of the skin of the breast
* Nipples are interested in.

Early symptoms include a lump that is usually perceived differently than the surrounding breast tissue, painless and usually have an irregular edge.In the early stages, when driven by a finger, a lump can be moved easily under the skin. In later stages, the lump is usually attached to the chest wall or the surrounding skin. In advanced cancer, may develop a swollen lump or breast skin ulcers. Sometimes the skin over the lump shrank and looked like an orange peel.Other symptoms that may be found in a lump or mass in the armpit, change the size or shape of the breast, an abnormal discharge from the nipple (usually bloody or yellow to green, may also be pus), change in color or texture of the skin on the breast, nipple and areola (dark brown colored area around the nipple), breast looks red, the skin around the nipple scaly, nipples are interested in or feel itching, breast tenderness or swelling of one breast. In later stages may develop bone pain, weight loss, swelling of arms or skin ulceration.
PreventionMany risk factors can not be controlled. Some dietitians and oncologists believe that changes in diet and lifestyle in general can reduce the incidence of cancer.Endeavored to make early diagnosis of breast cancer easier to treat and can disembuhan if it is still at an early stage.Be aware, clinical breast examination and mammography as a screening procedure is 3 tools to detect cancer early.
Guidelines in Breast Screening
Anatomy of the breast
ManagementUsually treatment is started after a thorough assessment of the condition of the patient, which is about 1 week or more after the biopsy. Treatment consists of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and hormone inhibitors.Radiation therapy is used to kill cancer cells in the tumor and the surrounding area, including the lymph nodes.Chemotherapy (a combination of drugs to kill cells that proliferate rapidly or pressing breeding) and hormone inhibitor drugs (drugs that affect the hormones that promote cancer cell growth) are used to suppress cell growth

* Radiation eliminating breast cancer tumors in a small percentage of women, but in the process causing many of them die from other diseases.
* There is no long-term benefit of radiation therapy to treat breast cancer, because even though the cancer may not recur at the site of radiation, the possibility of overall survival rate remains the same or even slightly worse.
* And despite the fact that the fraction of radiation to help women and eventually kill many of the people who helped in the short term, and radiation therapy remains the standard in medicine for the treatment of women with breast cancer.

* We hope that those who promote tamoxifen to remember to say how many women who suffer from:
* Disorders of blood clotting.
Decreased vision.
Decreased quality of life (hot flashes (hot aura), night sweats)
* How many women have had hysterectomies because of the aggressiveness of tamoxifen can cause uterine cancer?
* Rarely mentioned that the woman may die from cervical cancer caused by the use of tamoxifen.
* Tamoxifen has been around for 25 years and their effect on breast cancer prevention is still debated. Does this not tell us anything.
* The only reason this is such a popular treatment right now is that oncologists seem to think better of doing this than doing nothing.

* Chemotherapy is an attempt to poison the body that only death dudalam shorten its efforts to kill cancer cells throughout the body before it was killed. And most of these therapies are not successful.
* Some chemotherapy can prolong life for several months, but generally have higher prices membaya the side effects are very damaging to the body. If a woman is lucky to be able to withstand the resistance to cancer, her body is permanently damaged, and has a high recurrence rate ..
* The use of chemotherapy is pure speculation, and we do not think it's worth a shot. Sometimes it works, and sometimes not, and sometimes it's worsening health.
* It seems much smarter to find an alternative therapy with a good history that can help your body fight cancer and improve your health.

A. Through clinical examination by a physician, especially if detected a lump or abnormal changes in the breast.
2. With a mammogram can detect changes or abnormal conditions.
3. Based on the ultrasound scan of the breast that can detect changes or abnormal conditions.
Breast cancer can be confirmed by biopsy, in which the bit of tissue to be taken for examination under a microscope.
biopsy technique is commonly performed

Fine Needle Aspiration with * (Fine Needle Aspiration, FNA)
* Core Needle Biopsy (Core Needle) or Tru-cut biopsy
* Biopsy excision (Excision Biopsy)
TreatmentMost of the surgery to remove cancer. Form of operation, among others:

* Surgery to maintain breast
Lumpectomy - removal of the cancer and some surrounding tissue.
* Mastectomy - removal of the breast with or without lymph nodes under the armpit.
* In general, surgery is followed by systematic treatment, which may include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and / or hormone therapy to increase the chances of recovery.

measures for the rehabilitationPhysical rehabilitation includes:

* Exercise the shoulder after surgery
* Treatment of the upper arm to prevent damage to the lymphatic pembekakan
* Balanced nutrition and lifestyle changes to improve the healing
Mental rehabilitation include:

* Strong support from spouse, family, friends and support groups
* Women can feel safe if he knew the possibility of a cure
* Checking with your doctor on a regular basis
how to best careTreatment planning by a team of professional multi-disciplinary, ie breast surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, medical and radiation oncologists, social workers and nurses to diagnose breast treatment, care and handling conditions, has been shown to increase cure for cancer patients.
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